Thursday, April 21, 2011

How to Make the Whites of Your Eyes Look Whiter

If you've ever had a late night or spent too much time in front of a computer screen (who hasn't, right?), then you've probably experienced dull, less-than-white, (maybe even, ugh, blood-shot) eyes. While you can always empty a bottle of Visine into your peepers, there are also some pretty great beauty tricks that work wonders to make the whites of your eyes appear a whole lot whiter. And, unlike the drops, the effect will last all day.

Try a blue mascara. When you paint your lashes a sapphire shade, they reflect off of your eyes and give them an almost-glow. The effect is subtle, but you'll be able to see the hint of blue when you're outside—it's very cool. Benefit makes an awesome version called Bad Gal Blue.

Line the inner rims of your eyes with peach pencil. Makeup artist Paula Dorf created a liner called Baby Eyes just for this purpose. It covers up redness and makes you look instantly more awake.

Dab shimmery white shadow in the inner corners. This is awesome for any ethereal makeup look, but it's also an amazing way to make your eyes look bigger and brighter. Try NYX Single Eyeshadow in White.

Read more: Beauty Blog - Makeup and Beauty Product Reviews - Cosmopolitan

Why Do Women Moan During Lovemaking

always fascinating as each one act and react differently during lovemaking. No ways could be defined and imposed on the act of sexuality as it purely depends on the circumstances and mental situations. There are some common behavioral patterns observed in the act of lovemaking just as panting, moaning etc... You may ask this question quiet naturally that why do women moan during sex? Is it because of pain or pleasure? Or is it a way of communication during sex?

Women moan for different reasons during sex. First of all it is a rhythmically way
First of all moaning is a rhythmically way of communicating or expressing excitement and pleasure.

of communicating or expressing excitement and pleasure. Some women moan as a signal to let their partner know that the sensation feels good. Others utter sounds and let their bodies move freely as they "lose control" and allow themselves to be part of the sexual and satisfying experience. Movies, television, and music present us with idealized sex scenes or lyrics of people moaning and panting at the height of passion. In reality, some people are vocal and may moan and groan, other folks may muffle any sounds with a pillow, and yet others may not make a single peep. Some express themselves by twitching or moving their bodies rhythmically as a response to sexual pleasure.

People moan not only when they have intercourse. Some people make small sounds while kissing, giving or receiving a massage, or snuggling. Others don't have to be sexually excited to make a sound. While humans don't typically purr, some people may make a soft moaning sound when their hair or head is stroked just like a cat might if it were being petted.

Even though moaning is usually an expression of the pleasure and satisfaction, it may not remain the same always. When having a wild sex she may moan out of pain also. When stroked the most sensitive parts of a women with all the wildness of male power she may moan, in fact weep, out of helplessness and pain.

Studies prove that moaning during sex has greater impact on both the partners. If a woman moan to release the stress and express the pleasure, listening to the voice of the partner makes men more energised and awaken. It's definitely nice to know how your partner is feeling during sex. If a girl moan during sex out of pleasure it a certificate to the skills of the male partner to satisfy a girl and provide her pleasure. Moaning is a statement that she enjoys the act and wants more of the sort.

Making love to a 'motionless' or 'voiceless' mate is like having it with a dead body. Moaning and groaning makes the act more active and the male mate will feel the involvement of his female partner. Some women feel moaning and and groaning is like being uninhibited and making yourself totally vulnerable in front of your mate. But, in fact, moaning, just like any other sexual act, has it's own role in sexual pleasure.

Some women even fake moaning to just make their men know that they are enjoying the pleasure when they may not be into such deep pleasure. What ever it be, men like when his mate moan when he is busy with the action. Sex is an act of mutual involvement of two physical bodies as well as two minds. Moaning lets the other one know the intensity of pleasure he is able to provide to his lady mate.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I don't want to swallow

While most guys find it incredibly erotic to watch a woman swallow their ejaculate, it doesn't increase the physical pleasure they experience. In fact, when the ending isn't so predictable -- as swallowing can sometimes be -- the encounter can be a lot more exciting.

One way to give your man earth-shattering oral pleasure without having him come in your mouth is to finish him off manually. Next time you go down on him, ask him to signal you when he's about to climax so you can move your mouth from his member and stimulate him with your hands. Simulate his favorite oral sex moves; use your fingertip to massage his nerve-packed perineum as you simultaneously stroke his shaft with your other hand. Add some water-based lube, which resembles the warmth and wetness of your mouth, and you'll really make his head spin. But just because you move your mouth out of the line of fire, doesn't mean you can't continue to give him some tongue action. You'll send him right over the edge if you suck his balls and lick his raphe (the vertical line in the middle of his scrotal sac) as you manhandle him. When he finally does hit the big O, cup your hand over the head of his penis to catch his semen as he ejaculates.

Another way to send him into orgasmic bliss: Let him come on your chest. Start pleasuring him orally, and when he's close to climax put his penis between your breasts. (Amp up the heat factor by slathering your cleavage with lube.) Then, place your palms on either side of your breasts and push them together as he slides his shaft back and forth until he peaks.

Just remember, whether you swallow or not, sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through oral sex. So use condoms unless you and your partner have been tested and are STD-free.

What should I do with his balls during oral sex?

Your guy's request is far from unusual. Sucking on his testicles can make for an incredibly sensational experience -- and you'll double his pleasure if you simultaneously fondle his shaft. Next time you're giving him south-of-the-border oral action, take a sexy detour and move your mouth from his main member to the rest of his package. Swirl the tip of your tongue around his scrotum -- the loose sac of skin that surrounds the testicles. Then, lick his balls with long, sweeping strokes as if you were savoring a delicious ice cream cone. Mix it up and intermittently purse your lips and suck softly on the skin or take each testicle all the way into your mouth. One overlooked hot spot you shouldn't ignore: his raphe (the vertical line in the middle of his scrotal sac). You'll make his toes curl if you feverishly flick it with your tongue.

Once you've worked him into a frenzy, switch back to sensuously licking his penis as you gently manhandle his balls. Some guys like it a little rough, but this can be a supersensitive area, so find out how hard he wants to be touched before applying more muscle. One tactical trick that's sure to send him reeling: Use your finger to gently rub his perineum (the nerve-packed patch of skin that is between his scrotum and his anus), and you're likely to launch him into orgasmic orbit.

Male Pleasure Positions

As always, we’d like thank our readers for their relentless pursuit of perfection in the bedroom. If not for your tireless efforts, many women would never have known how incredible an orgasm can be. Therefore, in appreciation of your never-ending attempts to satisfy the fairer sex, we’re taking a moment to encourage a bit of well-earned selfishness in the boudoir with a few male pleasure positions. While the following male pleasure sex positions can certainly drive a woman wild, their primary function is to provide maximal sexual pleasure for you.

Read on as we tell you how to get the most out of the best male pleasure positions for vaginal and anal sex.
It’s no surprise that this classic male pleasure position has stood the test of time; maximum penetration for both partners allows for some of the best sex imaginable. It makes our list for one simple reason: She does all the work. You’re certainly welcome to help her along, but most of the physical work is carried out by her. This means you can lie back and enjoy the view as she bobs and jiggles her way (and yours) to orgasm. The cowgirl also provides maximum penetration, which equals maximum stimulation for you.

Tip: If she’s especially self-conscious about her body, try suggesting the reverse cowgirl instead: It’s the same idea, but facing the opposite direction. This position will feel just as good while alleviating any concerns she might have about feeling overexposed.
Around the bend
Deep thrusting is a primal sexual urge experienced by most men. Unfortunately, many traditional positions prevent thrusting to the hilt, which can leave a little something to be desired when it comes to sex. This male pleasure position, however, in which you bend her over the nearest piece of furniture, will satisfy that urge from the moment of penetration. With her legs spaced and her rump in the air, you’ll be able to thrust deeply without having to worry about injuring her during the act.

Tip: If she complains about the lack of intimacy, you can resolve this by simply leaning forward until your chest is touching her back; this will make her feel more like you’re having a shared experience, and less like she’s only there for your own pleasure.
Inverted rear
This is another male pleasure position that makes thrusting easy. Lie down on your back and have her lie on top of you while facing the ceiling. Grab her thighs and spread her legs apart until she’s in a reverse straddle. Due to her positioning, her mobility will be limited, but yours will be relatively unencumbered. Once she’s in position, you’ll be able to thrust as deeply as you like, for as long as you like -- preferably until she’s screaming your name.

How To Suggest a New Sexual Activity to a Partner

Talking to your partner about trying some new sexual activity can feel risky. You’re both pushing the envelope of your current sexual relationship and at the same time revealing a sexual desire or interest that you may have never raised before. Experimenting with different ways to have sex is by no means required for a healthy or hot sex life. But having curiosity about other sex acts and desires to try new things is also completely healthy and can lead a relationship to grow in new directions. If you’re not sure how to broach the subject of trying something new with your partner, these tips may help.
Time Required: Take time and don't bring up trying new sex things at the last minute.
Here's How:

Do Your Homework
Whatever you want to try, make sure you know how to do it in a way that will be pleasurable and safe for all involved. If you want to try anal sex, for example, do you know the safety tips and techniques to avoid painful anal sex? If you want to use a sex toy, have you done a little retail reconnaissance to scope out a great sex shop or website you can both browse through? You don’t need to make yourself an expert on the subject, and learning together can be a lot of fun. But having an overview or context may increase your own comfort level and make it easier to bring it up with your partner.

Establish the Ground Rules
Every relationship has rules, spoken and unspoken, about what is and isn’t OK to talk about and how to talk to each other. If you’re not allowed to bring up sex or ask for what you want, trying new sexual things will always be a matter of luck or accident. If you want to explore new sexual possibilities with a partner, it’s a lot easier if you both agree that both of you can ask for anything as long as you ask nicely and take no for an answer. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a conversation about ground rules before you even get to talking about sex.

Pick Your Time
Timing can make a huge difference in how a conversation goes about sex. Bringing up the idea of going to a swingers' club right before your in-laws are coming over for dinner, or talking about watching porn together in the car on the way to work, may or may not be the right time. What’s important is that you pick a time when you have some privacy and are not rushed, so you can both think about what’s being said and how it feels before you respond. It’s generally not a good idea to wait until you’re in bed or having sex before suggesting a significant sexual departure.

Make Sure They Know Why
Sometimes partners are put off or threatened by trying something new because they think it “means” something about your relationship (that you’re bored, that you’re having an affair, that you aren’t interested in them anymore, etc.) Be sure to remind your partner before, during, and after you suggest something new that it’s not just that you want to try this new thing with anyone, you want to try it with them. That the reason you think it will be fun or hot is because it’s something you’ll be doing together.

Be Prepared to Risk It
Suggesting a new addition to your sexual repertoire will probably always feel a bit risky. You’re putting yourself out there, and yes, you may get some rejection and/or judgment from your partner. But one of you has to get the ball rolling, and as they say, nothing ventured nothing gained. Also, taking risks is part of growing and even if it doesn’t work out, you never know where it will lead you or your relationship.

Try to Keep the Pressure Off
Putting pressure on your partner to try something new pretty much never works. You can’t force someone to want to do something, and even if they do it just to please you (or shut you up), the chances they’ll enjoy it are less than if they were doing it for their own interest or fun. The other kind of pressure that doesn’t help is that of high expectations for a specific kind of sex. If you’re building up tantric sex, role play, or dirty talk into something that is going to transform your sexual relationship, you may find the act is diminished.

Be Willing to Make the First Move
If you’re the one suggesting a new kind of sex, don’t expect your partner to make the first move. If you’re the one who tends to initiate sex more often, this can feel like a drag, and maybe the new sexual activity you should suggest is anything that the other person initiates. But the fact remains that partners will have different sexual interests, and even if you’re both ready and willing to dress up like Batman and Robin, if you’re the one who has a fetish for capes and red tights, you’re probably going to have to be the one to get the Batmobile warmed up.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nonverbal signals are a key to communication with a man

I rushed into all kinds of meaningless relationships as a result, but they only helped alleviate the pain briefly. It was only when I made a conscious decision not to allow someone else that kind of control over my life that things began to get better.

Nonverbal signals are a key to communications with a man

Every deeply painful relationship lead to personal growth and more realization that you must love yourself first and that not getting over it is really your own insecurity showing.

I believe every love you have is a bit different from the last. No two feelings are alike. You NEVER feel the same way about someone as you did your first love.

Prior to the kissing stage, you express your interest nonverbally

Emotional growth is the toughest job we confront. Despite the tough, inside is a vulnerable human being seeking happiness and love.

Much of your insecurities about yourself create demands and less ability to give love. Developing the confidence and courage to express love openly is the greatest and most difficult task of life, but the results of persisting are well worth it.

How do you express interest indirectly?

Bottom line: Sometimes it is not easy but if you pursue some personal growth, gain more confidence, and really care about yourself, you realize your happiness is important and that what you have to give is important.